Red Devon


September 2022 Newsletter

May your grass grow and your stock do well! Continued selection of the best breeding stock, sourced from a large number of NZ herds combined with a carefully considered breeding program has resulted in excellent genetic diversity in a herd that we are proud of.

August 2022 Newsletter

Gidday! With winter all but behind us now we are looking forward to spring moving in. We have seen a very wet winter here in the Nelson/Tasman region which was topped off by the extreme rainfall event we saw a couple of weeks ago.

April 2022 Newsletter

Autumn has arrived, most have had some rain and some too much. Here in Hawke’s Bay we have had consistent rain this summer and feed is plentiful, a pleasant change from the last couple of non-existent autumns.

November 2021 Newsletter

Given all that is happening in the world at the moment, a bit of a moan about the weather doesn’t really rank up there in terms of grievances. It is bliss to turn off devices and connections to the world and enjoy the peace sometimes.