Red Devon

Standards of Excellence for Red Devons


  1. HEAD masculine, forehead broad, wide from eyes to nostril, strong at bridge of nose, nostrils high and open, muzzle broad and clean; nose, which should be flesh-coloured, free from blue or black; eyes full and placid; ears medium size and thickness fringed with hair; cheek full and broad at the root of the tongue. If horned then matching, placed at right angles from the head and curving downward, waxy at the base, tipped with a darker shade but not black;
  2. NECK of medium length and muscular, with good crest; throat clean.
  3. SHOULDERS broad and flat on top and well covered, not prominent at the points.
  4. CHEST deep, broad, and light in the brisket.
  5. RIBS well sprung, nicely arched, and flesh firm to the touch.
  6. BACK straight, long and level; loin broad and full; hips of medium width, not prominent and well covered with flesh and on a level with the back.
  7. RUMPS long and full.
  8. TAIL neatly set, thick at the root, reaching to the hocks, with a thick brush of hair, and hanging at right angles with the back.
  9. ROUNDS and THIGHS deep, broad and full, extending well down to the hocks.
  10. THE UNDER LINE parallel with the top.
  11. FORE LEGS straight and muscular, arms full; legs straight and set well apart, good bone. FEET not overgrown and meeting the ground squarely.
  12. HIND LEGS and HOCKS. Legs straight and squarely placed when viewed from behind, not to cross or sweep when walking, good bone; hocks to be well let down. FEET not overgrown and meeting the ground squarely.
  13. SKIN moderately thick and pliable, covered with an abundant coat of mossy hair of a rich red colour; a little white in front of the purse is admissible but not on any other part of the limbs or body.

GENERAL APPEARANCE. Showing typical Devon character, good growth, deep, long and well balanced, evenly fleshed and smart on parade


  1. HEAD feminine and moderately long, with a broad indented forehead tapering considerably towards the Nostrils the nostrils high and open, the jaws clean; the nose of flesh colour, clean and free from blue or black, the eyes bright, lively and prominent; ears thin and fringed with hair. If horned then matching, spreading and gracefully turned a waxy colour, tipped with a slightly darker shade, but not black.
  2. NECK of medium length; throat clean.
  3. SHOULDERS moderately broad and flat on top and well –covered, not prominent at the points.
  4. CHEST deep, broad, and light in the brisket.
  5. RIBS well sprung, nicely arched and flesh firm to the touch.
  6. BACK straight, long and level; loin broad and full, hips of medium width and on a level with the back.
  7. RUMPS long, moderately full and level.
  8. TAIL neatly set, thick at the root, reaching to the hocks, with a thick brush of hair, and hanging at right angles with the back.
  9. ROUNDS and THIGHS deep, broad and full, extending well down to the hocks.
  10. THE UNDER LINE parallel with the top.
  11. FORE LEGS straight and muscular, arms full, legs straight and set well apart, medium bone. FEET not overgrown and meeting the ground squarely.
  12. HIND LEGS and HOCKS. Legs straight and squarely placed when viewed from behind, not to cross or sweep when walking, medium bone; hocks to be well let down. FEET not overgrown and meeting the ground squarely.
  13. UDDER not fleshy, coming well forward in line with the belly, and well-up behind; teats not too large, and squarely placed.
  14. SKIN moderately thick and pliable, covered with an abundant coat of mossy hair of a rich red colour; white about the udder is admissible, but not on any other part of the limbs or body.

GENERAL APPEARANCE. Showing typical Devon character, good growth, deep, well-balanced, evenly-fleshed and smart on parade.

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