Welcome to Ohuka Polled Devons
Our stud is run alongside our dairy operation and produces low birthweight easy calving docile polled bulls, purpose bred for dairy heifer mating. As an extension to that, Ohuka Stud also aims to supply other breeders with stud bulls exhibiting these qualities.
Our autumn calving base herd was initially sourced from Te Maewa and Tinopai. With the retirement of Wayne and Trish Aspin from Tinopai stud an opportunity arose to acquire some of its top animals including BA Ryda 172914030, pictured, a beautiful docile proven bull with ideal EBV’s who is a son of the well known Australian polled bull Bongalabi Atlas and Tinopai’s top cow Ryda 723. We also purchased a promising calf, VJ Awhitu 172917037, from the same dam and another Australian polled bull, Vix Jurasic.
Other stud bulls used are Tinopai WT 1431, Ohuka Earnest 179116006, pictured, who showed the most rapid weight gain, and Ohuka Anton 179116001, also bred from Te Maewa stock. To date all matings have been natural but we will consider AI when semen becomes available that fits in our breeding program.

Ohuka Stud is currently autumn mating 14 pedigree heifers and 21 pedigree cows, using 3 stud bulls. The farm also milks 600 dairy cows, with their replacements. The 700 ha farm is on the Whitianga town and beach boundary and includes large areas of native bush and pine plantations.
Ohuka strives to constantly improve its herd with the characteristics that Red Devons are known for. We see a great opportunity for dairy heifer mating with bulls that minimize calving problems and produce a polled dairy beef calf that grows fast, is quick maturing and produces quality beef. Dairy beef will be an increasing component of the NZ beef industry and the reputation of the Red Devons as suitable sires relies on purpose bred animals whose reliability is backed up by proven breeding.
We lease bulls and sell stock privately all year round with most sales occurring in September. Returning customers book our bulls 12 months in advance.
All enquiries are welcome and we love to show you around our animals
To contact us email office@sieling.nz or phone Dirk on 021 154 0123