Interested in Red Devon Beef?
Rannoch Meats produces top quality meat direct from our farm to you at wholesale prices, you can get top quality meat in bulk.
Julian and Fiona run Rannoch Meats out of small farm in Greytown, Wairarapa region on the East Coast of New Zealand. Our mission is to provide top quality beef direct from our farms to you. All animals are breed on our farms prior to being processed through a local abattoir in Wellington.
On our 40 acres in the Wairarapa we have a small breeding herd of Red Devons. Calving is normally a spring activity with the goal to have animals ready for processing all year round, somewhere between 16 – 24 months of age. We are currently processing 1-2 animals a month means we can provide on demand service for our customers.
How do we operate? Customers contact us through our website or through word of mouth. Most orders can be fulfilled within a month depending on demand. Animals are shipped to Wellington for slaughter, transported to Masterton for hanging and butchering before finally being shipped direct to customers.
The Red Devon breed was chosen for the quite nature of the animal and the taste of the meat. The quite nature of the breed has two advantages. Running them on a small operation means less hassle moving the herds and less maintenance costs. Additionally a quite animal enhances the flavour of the animals.
Contact Details:
Julian Downs
Phone: (06) 304 9893