Red Devon

Seeking for purchase

The following is a list of what some buyers seek. If you are not a member but interested in acquiring Red Devon, get in touch with the Association and we will help to meet your needs. Below is a helpful table regarding standard stock pricing.

At the moment all purchase requests known to the Association have been met. If you want to purchase Red Devon stock you can contact a breeder directly or email the Council President to post about what you seek here.

Pricing Guide 2022
CategoryPrice, NZ$ + GST
Calves of all types, newly weaned to 10 months750-1250
Heifers, 10-18 months1200-1300
Bulls, 10-18 months1500-2200
Heifers, 20-30 months1500-1700
Cows 2-5 years1850 and up
Cows 5+ years1700 and up
addition for in calf, depending on sire+300-800
addition for calf at foot, depending on sire+500-1000
Bulls, 20-30 months2300-3000
Bulls, over 3 yearsupwards from 3000 as demand dictates
Please note that some breeders are willing to offer more favourable prices for prospective members seeking to establish themselves with Red Devon stock. Queries on this should be taken to the Council with an indication of stock type and numbers sought, and intentions of membership. Handled on a case by case basis.